Yes, I realize it's been quite sometime since I have graced this blog with a post. I must admit that I have procrastinated because playing "catch up" is not fun. Emmaline will be 5 MONTHS OLD (crazy!) next week and we are having her baptism this weekend. Her little personality is starting to appear and she is even more precious/smart/adorable/best baby ever than before. She already thinks that I'm a rock star and loves to dance. I'm back at work (which is for the birds), part-time, but still. I'm having a hard time working while someone else gets to enjoy my child. It does make it a lot easier knowing that the"someone else" is one of my best buds who I know takes EXCELLENT care of her. Hopefully, this is only a temporary thing.....
The dogs are still adjusting. Riley enjoyed being an only dog when we spent this past weekend in Garden City with my high school girls who always give him lots of love. He looked at us like we were crazy everytime we climbed in and out of the window (couldn't use the doors....the entire time, but that's another story) but he really enjoyed the attention. Roxy is playing the guard dog role well but she is all bark. Good thing, because Daisy is all bite, at least if she thinks any member of her family is in danger. She's sweet as she can be with Emmaline and she still gets into trouble every now and then (see picture below). She'll be 1 in May so we can still use the puppy excuse for now.
Enjoy the pictures!

Little Miss Innocent

Reading with Daddy. Wonder how educational a hunting magazine really is...

16 weeks

Bundled up to watch Mama eat oysters at the neighbor's.

With my Grammy

At Angel Oak, Late February

With Aunt Shannon at Angel Oak in my sweet sweater Grammy made for me.

Bath time with the cousins

How did Mama get all these dogs to stay in one place?

Ready for the Frog Jump!

My Daddy's favorite outfit. Too bad I've already out grown it :)

14 weeks in a dress that was my mama's.

Daisy up to no good.
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