Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!
This picture is from last year. I'll add this year's photo on Monday if I can get Daisy to cooperate.

We won!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Work Halloween Costume Contest

In the spirit of team building, I was encouraged to dress up today for the office Halloween contest. Imagine my surprise when I show up and am the ONLY one in costume at 9 am. The vote wasn't until 3 pm and the other 4 ladies who participated changed into their costumes right before, had their picture taken and then changed out of their costumes. I call that cheating. While my getup is funny on it's own, it might be helpful for me to explain that I was actually dressed up as a particular person. We have a dock builder (who I have dealt with on numerous occasions in enforcement) who always wears a cowboy hat, a LARGE belt buckle, a plaid flannel shirt and alligator cowboy boots. I was unable to wear my ostrich boots as part of the outfit due to my feet swelling (not for lack of trying this morning I assure you) so I had to settle for John's boots instead. The outfit would have been pretty comfy if the horns on my "steer" belt buckle didn't keep poking me in the stomach. I'll let you know if Emmaline and I win!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So I'm bored and someone sent me a quiz.....

1. Where is your cell phone? in my purse
2. Where is your significant other? at work being a brilliant engineer
3. Your hair color? brown
4. Your mother? excited to be a grandmother again in about 2 weeks
5. Your father? a man of few words
6. Your favorite thing? a good bath and great food (being pregnant kind-of limits most other things)
7. Your dream last night? something CRAZY I am sure, it will take a few days to remember it.
8. Your dream/goal? a happy, healthy, funny and respectful child
9. The room you're in? my office at work
10. Your hobby? crafting, cooking, entertaining, reading
11. Your fear? Obama and childbirth
12. Where do you want to be in six years? as happy as I am now
13. Where were you last night? home
14. What you’re not? comfortable. I'm almost OVER being pregnant
15. One of your wish list items? bling to celebrate our first child
16. Where you grew up? Laurens, SC
17. The last thing you did? close out a file
18. What are you wearing? maternity jeans (the only pants I can wear at this point) flip-flops (the only shoes I can wear at this point) and a tank top and cardigan
19. Your TV? now addicted to directTV. love the pause feature
20. Your pet? that would be PETS. Riley, Roxy and Daisy
21. Your computer? slow and outdated
22. Your mood? content
23. Missing someone? all my buddies who have been thru having a child that live far away
24. Your car? dirty, my father would ask when was the last time I washed it
25. Something you’re not wearing? REGULAR CLOTHES!
26. Favorite store? all of them, I am really starting to miss not being able to walk into a clothing store and pick up something normal
27. Your summer? hot
28. Love someone? definitely
29. Your favorite color? red
30. When is the last time you laughed? just now at a coworker
31. Last time you cried? two weeks ago when they asked if big babies run in my family


I had my weekly doctor's visit this morning and before the exam I joked with the doctor that she could just fib and tell me I was 20% effaced so I felt like something was happening. Imagine my surprise when she said she didn't need to fib - I was 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated! I know that it doesn't mean much because women can walk around for weeks like that but it's progress and we will gladly take anything in that direction at this point!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

False Alarm

We went back to the doctor yesterday for the ultrasound and apparently, Emmaline is not a moose. They are estimating she weighs 6 1/2 lbs and may gain 1 more in the next 3 weeks. THAT, I can handle, a 10 lb baby I could not handle. She is healthy and everything is fine so that's a relief.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The 7 words no pregnant woman wants to hear

"Do big babies run in your family?" nope, not in mine, but my husband was 10 lbs. It's all his fault. Just got back from the doctor's visit for this week and apparently I am carrying a moose. She will do an ultrasound next Tuesday to see just how big this baby is and we will look at the options then.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yearbook Yourself

Since there's nothing better to do today, I logged onto and had a few laughs.

Did not realize that I would soon be staring at my mother in high school!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

For Sale

It's official. We signed a contract with a listing agent last night and there is a For Sale sign in the yard. I have mixed emotions about the situation so we'll just wait and see what happens.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Wow, time does fly when you are having fun. Today is our 3 year anniversary. In that time we have built a house, are expecting our first child, and are making plans to build the next house. As John pointed out last night, not many people do that in their lifetime. I call those people lucky :) only regarding the house building part of course.

I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable and sleeping is not so restful. In my tossing and turning last night, I must have had my belly right up against John because Emmaline woke him up while she was tossing and turning as well. I can see now how we ladies can get very impatient toward the end of pregnancy. We have our last shower in Norway this weekend and Kirsten, Annabelle, and Augustus will be in town from Baltimore. We're excited to see them and are looking forward to having them close by in Greenville next summer.

I had a cleaning crew come in on Monday and give the house a good scrubbing from top to bottom. The real estate agent is coming by this evening to take a look at the house and give us an estimate for a listing price. So, since Monday, Daisy and Roxy have been banished to the outside pen, much to Roxy's displeasure. Daisy doesn't really care, but Roxy is used to spending her days on the couch. I'm pretty sure that Riley has spent the past two days sticking his tongue out at them through the window.

2nd Birthday ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers