No, we're not having twins. We had the big ultrasound on Tuesday and we have a healthy
baby girl! We are very excited to know for sure and I must say I am looking forward to pink things and bows! John has been saying all along that the baby was a girl so he has earned the right to say "I told you so". Now if we could only agree on a name...

In about two weeks, we will have another special delivery arriving from Idaho. About two and a half years ago, John put his name on a waiting list for a Cheasapeake puppy. Well, guess who called with some news? The breeder, just in time for me to be 5 months pregnant! So, after many discussions we have decided that our lives are only going to get crazier from this point on so why not add another 4 legged addition? By the time the baby arrives, hopefully, John and Roxy will have her well-trained. Below is a picture of Daisy and her litter mates. At this point we have no idea which one she is.....